Monday 20 October 2014

FPS Nationals

FPS is an extracurricular activity for some girls from year five and up. FPS stands for Future Problem Solving. Any girls are allowed to try out. In order to get into a team (teams of 4) you have to do a test of your FPS knowledge. Mrs O’Meara (teacher) marks our papers and chooses the girls who will be put into a team. Once the teams have been sorted we practice every Thursday during period 3 and 4.

Throughout the year, girls have been studying a certain topic that they have to break into five activities- Challenges, Underlying Problem, Solutions, Criteria and Action Plan. In term one the year seven FPS girls were split into about six groups. In that term we were researching and completing the FPS Booklet the gets sent away to be judged and marked so when we come back in term two there is only four teams remaining. Our booklets got sent away that term but no groups were taken away. In term three we were just studying surveillance but not entering any booklets.

On Monday the 8th of September our four teams went into lockup. Lockup is when teams have two hours to complete the whole booklet. Afterwards Mrs O’Meara choses two booklets to send away once the booklet is sent away, judged and marked once more the two chosen teams are in the running for nationals. The two year seven teams and two year eight teams got into the semi-finals but only one team got into nationals.

Violette, Enya, Zelle and Aria’s team got into nationals which is being held in Auckland from the 31st of October to the 2nd of November. The topic is land transport. There are FPS Shirts available and the whole team got turquoise ones so we are all matchy-matchy!  Once we have arrived in Auckland on day one we get to go across to butterfly creek. It is going to be so fun! On the night of day one is the opening ceremony. We will create flag banners and if we win we get chocolate, also we get pizza! On day two we do our normal booklet but we also do a dramatic presentation, it must include three of these: Movement/ Dance, Song, Mime, Humor, Verse/ Rap, Rhythm, Sound Effects. There are apparently two props on stage. Make sure that you use them creatively and also make sure that you don’t say what it really is, for instance: Say you have a noodle. Instead of using it as a noodle or noodle-like thing or a customized noodle, use it as (lets say) a large powering socket (e.t.c)...
You will have a quote also that will have to be added into your dialogue script.
Think of a theme you could use to base your script around. e.g. Harry Potter, Simpsons etc.
Is there a song you could adapt from this theme around transportation?

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